How to search on google from your terminal

How to search on google from your terminal


2 min read

It would be pretty cool to just do google searches from your terminal right? It's actually pretty easy to make it possible. If you use the terminal often you will love it!

Bash Scripts

We are using bash scripts. This will work on Ubuntu/Linux. Now let us take a look on how to do it! First thing you need to do is to open up your ~/.bashrc with an editor your choice.

Adding the goolge search script

Then simply input the google search function into that file:

google() {
    echo "Googling: $@"
    for term in $@; do
    xdg-open "$search"

Finally source the file with ~/.bashrc and restart your terminal. We can now use google from our terminal. It looks like this in action:

how to use google from terminal.gif

Adding leo translate

The simple google bash script already improved my workflow. But there is another thing that I would like to do from the terminal. Simple leo translations for words I don't know. The process is exactly the same.

leo() {
    echo "Translating: $@"
    for term in $@; do
    xdg-open "$search

how to use leo from terminal.gif

Now that's it! I hope this will improve you workflow as much as mine. What else would you like to do from your terminal?

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